KASL Awards
Regional School Media Librarian Scholarships
For details on regional awards, please see the district webpage or contact the district president.
Statewide Awards
KASL presents awards annually at the Summer Refresher Awards ceremony. Please take a moment to nominate a deserving individual.
All nominations are due by April 15th. Questions about KASL awards and supporting documents for applications should be sent to kaslawardscommittee@gmail.com.
Barby Hardy Lifetime Achievement Award
Purpose: This award is given to an individual who has given continuous, sustained support to the school library profession throughout his/her lifetime.
Eligibility: Nominees should have served in the school library profession for at least 10 years.
1.) Nominees should have exhibited leadership within the profession. Minimally, nominees should be active in their regional branch of KASL. The ideal nominee will have had leadership roles at the state (KASL) and national levels.
2.) Nominees should be examples of embracing change and growth. They should have visionary characteristics that helped the school libraries they serve continually move forward.
3.) Nominees should have served as advocates for the profession at the local and regional levels. The ideal nominee would also have been an advocate for the profession at the state and national levels.
4.) The award does not have to be presented every year.
5.) The award will consist of a plaque from KASL and will be presented at the Summer Refresher Awards Ceremony.
6.) Nominees will be solicited by an awards committee. Nomination forms will be due on April 15 of each year. In addition to the nomination form, at least 1-3 letters of recommendation must be submitted.
7.) Applications will be reviewed annually by the awards committee to decide which candidate, if any, deserves the award.
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Outstanding School Media Librarian
Purpose: To recognize the school media librarian who has made outstanding contributions to the profession on local, district, and state levels.
Eligibility: Any Kentucky school media librarian or school may submit the name of a library media specialist who meets the following:
1.) Bachelors degree and 19 hours of library science
2.) At least 5 years of school library service
3.) Active member of KLA-KASL
4.) Has given his or her time and effort for the advancement of school libraries in Kentucky on both local and state levels
5.) Active in community life
6.) Personality that commands respect from other librarians, school personnel, and the public.
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KASL Service Award for School Administrators
Purpose: To recognize and honor the administrators who have made worthy contributions to the operation of effective school library media services and to stimulate planning, implementation, and support of the library services in the school.
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KASL Award of Merit
1.) To honor those who through individual leadership have advocated effective school library media services in meaningful educational partners.
2.) To recognize the responsible and influential role of those other than local school building administrators in developing successful school library media programs. To stimulate planning, implementing and support of the school library services which are essential to a meaningful educational program.
Eligibility: state, county, or district school superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors of curricula and/or instruction, school supervisors, state education department personnel, teachers, parents, school board members, supportive citizens and organizations.
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Eleanor W. Simmons Memorial Grant
Purpose: To encourage participation in the field of library science
Eligibility: Individuals who are involved with a Kentucky school library. Individuals who desire professional training in the area of school librarianship. School librarians or student organizations who desire to institute a pilot program within their school's library.
Award: Two grants will be awarded, if applications warrant, of up to $500.00 each.
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KASL Student Technology Award
Purpose: To recognize an outstanding Kentucky school student (grades K-12) who has demonstrated leadership through technology activities coordinated with the school curriculum.
Award: $100.00 will be presented at the Summer Refresher awards ceremony.
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Donna Hornsby Joint Technology Project Award
Purpose: To promote the use of technology in the library media center by teachers and students; to increase cooperative planning among library media specialists and teachers; and to enhance the acquisition of information skills.
Award: $400.00 to be used jointly by the library media specialist(s) and teacher(s) applicants awarded at the Summer Refresher awards ceremony.
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Outstanding School Library Website Award
Purpose: To recognize an outstanding school library media website.
Eligibility: School library media specialist must be a KASL member.
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Jesse Stuart Media Award
Purpose: To recognize the development of media relating to Kentucky.
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Service Award for Library Clerks
Purpose: To recognize and honor the library clerks who have made worthy contributions to the operation of effective school library media services and supports the library services in the school.
Eligibility: Applicants must be currently employed as a school library clerk in the state of Kentucky and nominated by a current KASL member.
Award: Recognition and certificate at the annual KASL Awards Banquet.
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